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Guy Montag is similar to Icarus from Greek mythology in that both men were unable to listen to advice or heed warnings. Both men were bold.

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Q: How is Guy Montag similar to Icarus from a greek myth?
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Is Icarus and Daedalus a myth?

A Greek Myth, yes.

Myth the flight of icarus's story?

it is a greek myth story

Is the myth of the boy who flew to close to the sun considered a greek mythology myth?

The boy is Icarus, in the myth of Daedalus, who is Icarus' father. So yes, it is a Greek Myth as the Greeks held that Daedalus was originally Athenian (though it is now widely believed he was Minoan/Cretan).

What is a greek myth or legend?

a Greek myth or legend is a myth or legend originating from Greek origin. see, Daedalus and Icarus, Zeus,Poseidon, hades and thier father kronos, Theseus and the minotaur etcetcetc

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In the Greek myth, only Icarus' father is mentioned, and Icarus died as a young man. Therefor , not enough is known about him to create a family tree.

Who wrote the myth Icarus?

The Greek myths are thousands of years old. There is no one person as author.

Who is the flyer of myth?

In Greek mythology, Icarus is the flyer known for flying too close to the sun, resulting in his wax wings melting and him falling into the sea.

Who is the author of the story daedalus and icarus?

The story of Daedalus and Icarus is a famous Greek myth. The author of this myth is unknown, as it has been passed down through oral tradition for centuries before being recorded in written form.

What did the first flyers mention in Greek literature?

The first known mention of flight in Greek literature can be found in the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus created wings made of feathers and wax for himself and his son, Icarus, to escape from Crete. However, when Icarus flew too close to the sun, the wax on his wings melted, and he fell into the sea.

What is Henri Matisse's painting of Icarus about?

Probably because he thought of Icarus, who lost the wings his father had made for him, and fell into the sea.

What God or goddesses is similar to Zeus?

In Greek myth, Hera.

What is the birthday of icarus?

I believe that Icarus is just in a myth making him not real. That would mean there is no date of birth for Icarus. His date of birth is not recorded.