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Q: How is Jesus represented in each one of the 66 chapters of the bible?
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What New Testament book has the most chapters?

Each of the Bible Books of Matthew and Acts have 28 chapters.

How are the books of the Bible boken down?

The Bible is divided into books, each book divided into chapters. Each chapter consists of verses.

What books of the Bible have more than 103 chapters?

If one considers each Psalm as a chapter, then the Book of Psalms has 150 chapters.

List each book of Bible with chapters and number of verses?

Please go online and google it for yourself or buy a Bible.

What chapter in the Bible is Kings?

I Kings and II Kings are two books in the Old Testament of the Bible. Chapters are the smaller divisions that each Book of the Bible is divided into.

Which 'minor prophet' book in the Bible is the longest?

Hosea and Zechariah each have 14 chapters. Zechariah has more verses.

How many times is the word Mother mentioned in the Bible?

It appears in 187 different chapters, sometimes several times in each chapter.

How many chapters are in the Hebrew Bible?

The Old Testament consists of 24 books, divided in 3 main sections - Torah, Nevi'im and Ctuvim. Each of the books has a different number of chapters - between 1 and 150.

Where did Jesus celebrate Passover each year?

That is not documented in the Bible. Probably most were in Nazareth with his family.

How many times does the Bible say 'he who has ears to hear let him hear'?

13 Times: 6 Times by Jesus in the synoptic gospel and 7 Times in the bible book of Revelations chapters 2:7 thru 3:22 to each of the seven churches

How many verses are in each chapter of Daniel in the king james bible?

The book divides into two parts, a set of six court tales in chapters 1–6 followed by four apocalyptic visions in chapters 7–12.

How many chapters would have to be read in order to complete the whole bible in 90 days?

For an accurate answer it depends on several factors: the version of the Bible you use, the fact that chapters are all different lengths, the length of time you want to read daily, reading speed and so on.However, we can make some approximations.If we assume that you use the King James Version of the Bible (as used by most Americans, and a few British too) then the number of chapters in the Old Testament is 929 (if we assume that each of the 150 psalms is a 'chapter') and the New Testament has 260 chapters making 1189 chapters in all.Therefore, dividing this number of chapters by 90 is 13.21 chapters (ie just over 13) chapters every day.The KJ Bible contains 774,746 words (593,493 in the Old Testament, 181,253 in the New) so that the average number or words per chapter is 774,746 divided by 1,189 or 651.5 words. Reading 13.21 chapters every day means that the average number of words that have to be read each day is 8,607.5 words.An average reading speed is around 200 words per minute. Therefore 8,607.5 words represents just over 43 minutes of reading.Therefore, to read the Bible over a period of three months (90 days) requires an average number of 13 chapters each day, at a speed of 200 words per minute, which will take, on average, around three quarters of an hour each day.