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This question starts with the underlying assumption that Judaism is sexist, which requires the answer to awkwardly prove a negative. However, in order to prove anything, one must have definitions; and these are the ones this proof will hinge on. Sexism: Discrimination against one gender (usually women) on the basis of their gender. Judaism: The collection of traditions as promoted by the major three movements within today's Jewry: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform.

What is critical to note in the Sexism definition is that there are two key parts, "discrimination" and "against". In the Conservative and Reform Movements of Judaism, there is no discrimination between men and women. Both can be rabbis, both can read from the Torah, and both can perform every major ritual.

There is certainly discrimination in Orthodox Judaism, but it is not negative discrimination; it is division of labor. It is discrimination in the sense that a person might say "He can easily discriminate between laminate and hardwood floors". There is no negative attitude towards either object, there is merely a subtle difference that the discriminator notices.

In Orthodox Judaism, the important thing to note is that the man and the woman have different spiritual functions and each is to balance the other. Western Society holds that a woman should be just like a man in every respect, because only then are women emancipated. Judaism does not accept this view and believes that certain domains, such as religious study belong to men. Similarly, compassion and maintaining the house belongs to women (this often also means that Orthodox women are the primary breadwinners). Western Society devalues home maintenance, because it provides no material gain. However, the Jewish intent in this arrangement is to promote spiritual well-being; and the special touch that only a woman can bring is central to maintaining a happy and emotionally healthy family.

While there are certainly exceptions, most Orthodox Jewish women do not feel repressed. They are not caged in their houses, nor beaten by their husbands. (Such stories are very rare, but get hyped up in the media.) As mentioned earlier, many Orthodox Jewish households are maintained financially and physically by the woman. On average, the Orthodox Jewish woman has one more Western Degree (i.e. Masters/J.D./Ph.D.) than a male of the same age.

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In ancient times, the position of women in Judaism was marginally better than in nearby societies. Neither partner in a marriage could force a divorce, but divorce was initiated by the man. Marriage, even 2000 years ago, included a prenuptual agreement (a ketubah) that placed financial obligations on the husband in the event of a divorce. Men were obligated to sexually satisfy their wives, and could not force sex on an unwilling wife. Women could inherit, but only if there were no male heirs. Even in the middle ages, Jewish women were frequently literate and could be involved in business. Women had a status comparable to slaves when it came to religious obligations. In Orthodox Judaism to this day, women cannot lead communal prayers except if no men are present, and women are exempt from the obligation to participate in communal prayer. In the 20th century, the liberal streams of Judaism, including the Conservative and Reform movements and smaller movements, have all begun ordaining women and allowing full participation of women in religious activities.

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