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Q: How is Lincolns death a calamity?
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Calamity Jane died on August 1, 1903 at the age of 51.

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Why is it that Lincolns death had a negative influence on the south?

because he mad

Did Mary todd Lincoln remarry after Lincolns death?

No. She never remarried.

What major political events lead to lincolns death?

The Civil War.

How old is Calamity Jane?

Calamity Jane was born on May 1, 1852 and died on August 1, 1903. Calamity Jane would have been 51 years old at the time of death or 163 years old today.

How many years after Lincolns death was the Lincoln memorial created?

36 years

Was mary todd abraham lincolns wife?

Yes, they were married until his death in 1865.

What was lincolns date and cause of his death?

He died April 15,1865 because James Booth shot him

Who was involved in Lincolns death?

John Wiljebooth

Would you please use 'calamity' in a sentence?

She's a calamity, Jane. What a calamity! It takes eight letters spell 'calamity'. Do you know what a calamity that would be?

What was lincolns dogs name?

Lincoln's best-known dog was Fido, who was left behind in Springfield when the Lincolns moved to Washington. Fido was assassinated in a sense-- he was stabbed to death by a drunk.