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The relationship between any language and culture is inextricably intertwined. Language is formed by culture, while culture is influenced and impacted by language. This is true for Maori language and culture.

For example terms of address. Maori has formal and informal ways of addressing a person and these are different if addressing one person or more than one.

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Maori. The language of the native Polynesians of New Zealand, the Maoris, is Maori. The Maori word for normal is Maori.

Why do you have maori language week?

The Maori culture is a unique and special way of life. Maori language week is a very good way to try and revive, not only the language, but the way of life, passing on valuable life lessons to the younger generations to try and keep a little of the Maori way of life. Actually I believe that the Maori culture and language is much stronger than it was 30 - 40 years ago when I was at school. I went to a school with many Maori students in my classroom and it was rare to hear anyone speak Te Reo but now I know many who are fluent in te Reo ( the Language) and not a few of these are European which is great.! My grand-daughter who is 1/4 Pacific Islander - i.e. not Maori - went to Kohanga Reo rather than Kindergarten and started school in a Bi-Lingual class. She is now in an ordinary class and going into year 3 next year but has a fair grounding and an interest in Maori language and culture. The school Kapa Haka groups include many non-Maori students. I believe the Maori culture as a whole is alive and growing which is fantastic. I am 53 now and have been learning little bits here and there for the last 4-5 years but not nearly enough. My New Years resolution will be to take classes in te Reo. To learn another's language is to gain a better understanding of them and their culture and surely is a good way to foster peace in the world. Also , many ,many place names in New Zealand are Maori so it is a smart thing to be able to correctly pronounce the names of your own towns.

What is the Maori language?

Te Reo Maori.

What is a maori dictionary?

A maori dictionary is a dictionary based on the Maori native language. It includes words which can only be found in the maori language and there is no english translation.

What is the maori word for you love maori?

Assuming you mean "Love the Maori language", the phrase is "Arohatia te reo" which means love the [Maori] language.

What is the Maori name for cat?

The word "Kiwi" is from the Maori language.

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by language and writing

What is the Maori language called?

The Maori language is called Te Reo Maori.