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Q: How is RNA processed before it can be used?
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yes it needs to be processed before it is used

Where does RNA get processed in the cell?

in the ribosome

What must occur before RNA can leave the nucleus?

The RNA must have its introns (junk RNA) spliced out. It the must be processed by having a guanine cap and 100+ adenine tail added to it. Once all this is done, the now mature RNA can leave the nucleus to be translated.

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yes it has to

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How does DNA transmit genetic information?

Information on the DNA is transcribed into RNA, and this RNA is processed and exported from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where it is translated by ribosomes

What does RNA do before protein is made?

Rna moves from nucleus to the cytoplasm!

What happens before messenger RNA is mature?

it attaches to RNA and the genetic code

How is water processed before and after being used by people?

it cleans the water so humans can drink it.

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Which one exons or introns is spliced out when primary RNA is processed?

The introns are the sections which are spliced out to create the mature form of mRNA.

Did RNA exist before DNA?

There are many reasons why scientists think RNA came before DNA. RNA is found in viruses and some bacteria which were likely around before more complex organisms.