

How is SO2 formed?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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SO2 is produced when the power plants combust coal.

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Q: How is SO2 formed?
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IS SO2 soluble or insoluble in water?

SO2 is slightly soluble in water, meaning it can dissolve in water to a limited extent. However, it does not completely dissociate into ions like ionic compounds do.

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When kerosene vapor is burned, it undergoes combustion to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. Incomplete combustion can also result in the formation of carbon monoxide and soot particles.

How many moles of sulfur trioxide are formed from 3 moles of sulfur dioxide?

The most straightforward reaction for the formation of SO3 from SO2 is 2 SO2 + O2 => 2 SO3. If this is the actual reaction for the formation, 3 moles of SO3 are formed from 3 moles of SO2.

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Sulfur dioxide, SO2

When so2 dissolved in water then acid formed is?

When SO2 dissolves in water, it forms sulfurous acid (H2SO3). This acid is a weak acid that can dissociate into bisulfite ions (HSO3-) and hydrogen ions (H+).

What solution is formed when sulphur dioxide reacts with water in the atmosphere?

SO2 + H2O ==> H2SO3 Sulphurous acid is formed.

What happens when sulphur reacts with water?

Sulphurous acid is formed H2O + SO2 ----> H2SO3

What happens when SO2 reacts with H2S?

Elemental Sulphar is formed.Water also formed in reaction.

What is the compound formed when sulphur reacts with oxygen?

S + O2 --> SO2 sulfer dioxide

What happens when sulfur dioxide mixes with water?

When sulfur dioxide mixes with water, it forms sulfurous acid (H2SO3). This reaction is reversible, as sulfurous acid can also release sulfur dioxide and water. The formation of sulfurous acid can contribute to acid rain formation when sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

Does copper 2 sulphate decompose when heated?

Yes, copper(II) sulfate undergoes thermal decomposition when heated. It loses water molecules to form an anhydrous form of copper(II) sulfate and water vapor. The color change from blue to white is a visible indication of the decomposition.

What gas is formed when sulfur burns?

Sulfur dioxide is formed when fuels containing sulfur compounds are burned