

How is a bee getting pollen good for flowers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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The bee will cross pollinate the flower, and the fertilised flower will be able to produce seeds.

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Q: How is a bee getting pollen good for flowers?
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What does a bumble bee eat?

pollen from flowers

Where does the bee carry the pollen?

to other flowers

Is it good for the bee if it takes pollen from a flower?

It doesn't hurt the bee, if that's what you are wondering. Actually, the bee isn't trying to collect pollen at all. Bees stop on flowers to collect nectar, and the pollen clings to the fluff on their bodies. When the bee stops at another flower, the pollen from another plant is brushed onto the flower. This is one way that flowers reproduce. The nectar collected by the bee then goes on to become honey after it is taken back to the hive. So, when a bee takes pollen from a flower, it is neither good nor bad, but a neutral interaction.

What does a honey bee feed on?

Pollen and nectar (from flowers).

What does every bee eat?

pollen. from the centers of flowers. that's why there are no bees in winter. no pollen.

How does a bee collect pollen?

I think as it lands on flowers the pollen sticks to tiny little hairs on its legs.

Is a flower affected when a bee sucks its nectar?

No, the nectar is there to bee suck, and then, the bee takes the pollen to other flowers.

What is b-pollen?

Bee pollen comes from a bee's body after he has visited many flowers. Health food stores often sell bottled bee pollen as purported remedy for a number of different things. Bee pollen as a treatment has not been backed by science, and really just takes valuable pollen away from the bee.

Where do bee's Eat from?

Bees eat pollen from flowers which makes the honey!

How do bees help plants?

Bees help plants by getting nectar from flowers. By getting nectar, they have pollen stuck to their bodies, and by flying around, they drop the pollen to plants, who uses it to flower and as fertilizer.

In a worker bee's life time how much pollen does it produce?

Bees don't produce pollen, they collect it from flowers.

What does a worker bee do at the flower?

They gather a flowers nectar, but while they do that, the flowers pollen gets on the bee and when he goes to the next flower he drops some of it and more sticks to him, that how flowers pollenate.