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Q: How is a crepuscular schedule an adaptation of desert animals to heat and lack of water in their environment?
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What word relates to animals that eat during dawn and dusk?

Crepuscular is the word

What are the responses of animals to the environment?

i think it is homeostasis. if it's not, maybe it's adaptation.

Biochemical adaptation of animals?

The biochemical adaptation of animals is the adjustment it makes to its environment. The animal makes adjustments at the molecular level all the way to the level of the whole organism.

Name for animals that are active at dusk?

Crepuscular animals -- at dawn and/or dusk

The Intraction of plants and animals with their Non-living environment is called an?

Adaptation The study of adaptations is Ecology.

Over time animals may change behavior or physical appearance to changes in the environment?


How can adaptations help an animal in relation to their niche?

Adaptation helps animals survive in their environment or niche. Behavioral adaptation can be inherited or learnt. Anatomical adaptation depends on physical features such as shape.

What does cerpuscular mean?

"Crepuscular" refers to animals that are active during dusk and dawn. Some examples of crepuscular animals include some bird and rodent species, rabbits, and deer.

What is the word for animals that sleep during the day but are awake at night?

Crepuscular. This is the name for animals primarily active at dusk and dawn.Crepuscular - Crepuscular animals are most active during twilight: both at dawn and dusk. These animals include the platypus, rodents, and deer . Rattlesnakes and Gila monsters are crepuscular as are a number of desert animals, who adapt this way to optimize access to water. (6) Rabbits and Brown bears are two animals often thought to be nocturnal which actually be crepuscular.(7) The wallaby is actually both crepuscular and nocturnal, another animal that doesn't fit neatly into one category. (8)Many tropical rain forest dwellers are crepuscular. The rest are primarily nocturnalWitch is Proof

What animals are crepuscular animals?

Crepuscular animals and rays are mosquitoes, dogs, cats, nighthawks, moose, rabbits, ferrets, mice, rats, and squirrels.

What is the only evidence you have to support evolution?

Better features, thus involving better adaptation to the environment, for plants and animals.