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Q: How is a double touch in tennis called?
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What is it called when the serving team fails to win a point?

The legal serve where the opponent fails to touch the tennis ball is called 'ACE'.

What do you call it when you make two bad serves in a row in tennis?

It is called a double fault.

If a person fails to get their two serves in tennis what is it called?

It is called double-fault when you miss both of your serves. You lose a point then.

What sports do Michelle Obama do?

michelle obama plays tennis and she also can double dutch!

What is it called when a player does not contact the ball cleanly in volleyball?

If they touch it twice, it is a double; if they touch it with the palm of their hand and lift it up, it is a lift

Which method is better-single touch or double touch?

double touch method is better

The term double fault is associated with?

Table tennis, or Lawn Tennis

What sport can a player double- fault in?

A player can double fault in tennis. A double fault occurs when a player does not successfully place the ball in the opposing square on a serve two consecutive times.

What is it called when the ball goes back and forth during a game in tennis?

When the same person hits the ball twice in a row, it is called a double hit.

Can hand touch the table in table tennis?

No, if it does it is a point to the other player.

What is a tennis racket string called?

the strings in a tennis racquet are simply called "strings".

Whats the definition of double fault in tennis?

A double fault in tennis is two consecutive serving faults that result in the loss of a point. The term double fault has been in use since 1909.