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Nuclear transformation is the change of one nucleus into another. Nuclei transform themselves through radioactive decay. They can be combined or split by fusion or fission. They can also be transformed through high energy collisions.

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3w ago

A nuclear transformation is typically performed by bombarding a nucleus with high-energy particles or by inducing a nuclear reaction through collision with another nucleus. This process can result in the change of one element into another or the creation of new isotopes. Control rods, moderators, and shielding are used to maintain safety during nuclear transformations.

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9y ago

Nuclear transformation is the change of one nucleus into another. It can be performed by either fusion (forcing 2 different atom nuclei together) or fission (occurs during radioactive decay).

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What is the energy transformation of a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is transformed into heat through nuclear fission reactions in the reactor core. This heat is then used to produce steam, which drives a turbine to generate electricity. Thus, the energy transformation involves converting nuclear energy into electrical energy.

What type of energy transformation occurs in a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is transformed into heat energy through nuclear fission. This heat energy is then used to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators to produce electricity. So, the energy transformation in a nuclear power plant is from nuclear energy to heat energy to electrical energy.

What energy transformation is occur in a nuclear power plan?

In a nuclear power plant, the energy transformation that occurs is nuclear potential energy from the fission of uranium atoms is converted into thermal energy (heat). This heat is used to produce steam, which turns a turbine to generate electricity.

What energy transformation occurs in the sun?

In the sun, nuclear fusion reactions convert hydrogen into helium, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light. This process is the transformation of nuclear energy into thermal and electromagnetic energy.

What kind of energy transformation occur in the sun?

In the sun, nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into helium, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light. This transformation of nuclear energy into radiant energy powers the sun and sustains life on Earth.

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What happens to an isotope after nuclear transformation?

It depends on the nuclear transformation type. Refer to question below for information.

What energy transformation examples?

Energy transformation from a nuclear power plant

What is the transformation of uranium?

- radioactive decay - nuclear fission - nuclear reactions

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What energy transformation occurs in nuclear fusion of hydrogen?

i don't know?WATER!

What is the difference between nuclear decay and nuclear transformation reactions?

nuclear decay rates take more time and chemical reaction rates could happen fast.

What is the process where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts in a reactor?

The process you are referring to is nuclear fission. In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller parts by bombarding it with neutrons. This process releases a large amount of energy and more neutrons, which can go on to split other nuclei in a chain reaction.

What energy transformation occurs in the sun?

In the sun, nuclear fusion reactions convert hydrogen into helium, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light. This process is the transformation of nuclear energy into thermal and electromagnetic energy.

What energy transformation occurs during radioactive decay?

During radioactive decay, the energy transformation that occurs is the conversion of nuclear potential energy within the unstable atomic nucleus into various forms of energy such as heat, electromagnetic radiation (gamma rays), and kinetic energy of emitted particles (alpha and beta particles).

What cause nuclear power?

Nuclear power is caused by the release of binding energy that occurs when a nucleus undergoes transformation, either by fisson or by fusion. This transformation is represented by a change in mass which, according to Einstein's famous equation, E = MC2, translates into an enormous amount of energy.

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Production department is transform input into output.