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It is unique and there is no other exactly like it

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Q: How is a scientific name similar to an address?
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What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Similar underwing?

The accepted scientific name is Catocala similis.

Why do you give organisms a scientific name?

Organisms are given a scientific name to distinguish them from other animals of similar species.

What part of a scientific name is the same for similar species?

The genus name is the part of a scientific name that is the same for similar species. It represents a group of closely related species that share certain characteristics.

The first name in an animal or plant's scientific name is the name of its?

The first name in a scientific name represents the genus of the organism. The genus is a broader classification that groups species with similar characteristics together.

What is the scientific name of chervil?

The scientific name for chervil is anthriscus cerefolium. It is an herb that is very similar to parsley and often used in French cuisine. It is sometimes called garden chervil.

How do you post a scientific idea to a authorised person or institute?

Get the name and address and send it. You could also send it to a journal such as Scientific American, or Nature

What is sientific name?

The scientific name refers to the formal Latin name given to a species, consisting of the genus and species names. It is used to universally identify and classify organisms in the field of biology. For example, the scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens.

Using genus and species how can you tell if organisms are similar?

To tell if organisms are similar you need to use the genus, species name always changes. For example: wolves and domestic dogs. A wolf's scientific name is canis lupus. A dog's scientific name is canis familiaris. All animals in the dog family start with canis, then from there there species name, and then from there, there is the sub-species name.

What are the scientific classifications of seaweed?

Most algae, or seaweed contains a chloroplast that is similar to cyanobacteria. Chloroplasts are made up of circular DNA similar to those in cyanobacteria and represent reduced endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.

Why is it important to use the scientific name instead of common name?

Sometimes the common name is similar to something else, or is confusing to someone who may not know that name. The Latin name never changes.

What are the advantages of identifying an organisms by scientific name?

It's Scientific name can be understood by anyone, instead of in that language. For example, Americans can call a ribbon fish Ribbon fish or Lepturacanthus Sava. Italians can call the ribbon fish pesci del nastro or Lepturacanthus Sava.

What is the scientific name for chrysanthemums?

The scientific name for chrysanthemums is Chrysanthemum spp.