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Q: How is a space shuttle being launched an example of newton's third law?
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What was the name of first indian space shuttle launched?

The first Indian space shuttle launched by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is called the Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD). It was launched on May 23, 2016, as a technology demonstrator for future development of reusable space vehicles.

Why boosters are used in space shuttle?

Well they are used because without them the space shuttle would not be able to have enough force to escape the earths gravity when it was being launched.

What is a seven letter word that was launched into space in April 1980 with the second letter being H and last one being E?


Where does the shuttle take off from?

Launch Pad - it is shot off to space vertically with SRB (solid rocket boosters) - havent you seen om TV - shuttle being launched??

What is the difference between a space station and the space shuttle?

A Space Station monitors the Space Shuttle being launched into space and so forth. And a Space Shuttle, is like a rocket they send into space. So the difference is a space shuttle is a rocket, and a space station is a building.

Is any research being done in space?

Yes, there is. In fact, about a year ago, Wallops launched a space shuttle into outer space.

Where would you weigh the most on a boat on the space shuttle or on the moon?

Normally you would weigh the most on a boat. However, you would weigh more on a space shuttle while it is ascending while being launched.

Refer to newtons second law. Thanks Why does it take a space shuttle so long to leave the ground when it is launched?

Here ,we can refer to second law where it states that...The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vectorhence it takes time for shuttle to leave the ground

When will sputnik the spaceshuttle retire?

Sputnik wasn't a space shuttle, but a series of early satellites launched by the then Soviet Union. Being one-shot items, they were retired as soon as their missions were over.

When was the first space flight?

The first space flight was in 1981, Columbia was the first to make a space flight. The shuttle was a masterpiece of engineering. After being launched into space it could be flown like a plane.

Why is the space shuttle program being decommissioned?

The Shuttle program is being decommissioned because they are too old. We are developing a replacement.

How does a astronot use math?

For example, if something is launched toward the ISS, scientists and astronomers have to take into account the altitude, the tangential speed, the speed of the object being launched, etc. Lots of math and calculus.