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tornadoes sound like freight trains

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Q: How is a tornado similar to a train?
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Related questions

Is a tornado quiet?

Often they are not. Many tornado produce a loud roar often said to be similar to that of a freight train.

Why is the eye of the tornado?

The eye of a tornado is a relatively calm area that can sometimes be found at the tornado's center, similar to the ey of a hurricane.

What is a sentence for the word tornado?

That air raid siren you hear also serves as a tornado warning. The shrieking winds of the tornado will sound like a freight train passing by.

How is a tornado in a bottle project similar to a real tornado?

Both the tornado in bottle and a real tornado involve a vortex that strengthens via the principle of conservation of angular momentum.

Can a tornado pick up a bus?

Yes. A strong tornado in the range of EF2 to EF5 can pick up a bus or even a train.

Where is the Safest place during a tornado?

The safest place during a tornado is in a basement or similar underground shelter.

Where is the eye of a tornado?

The eye of a tornado, similar to the eye of a hurricane, is a relatively calm area at the center of the storm.

What does it mean when you hear a train but there is no train around?

Prob a tornado ! Take cover!

How does a vacuum cleaner simulate a tornado How is it like a real tornado?

A Vacuum Cleaner is similar to a tornado because a vacuum cleaner sucks things up as does a tornado. Some people might say a tornado is God's vacuum cleaner.

What is similar between a tornado and an earthquake?

They are both natural disasters.

Can a tornado lift a freight train?

Most tornadoes can't but one EF3 or stronger can.

Who are some bands similar to train?

No one, they are to unique to be similar.