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They both have trunks!!!


But, They both don't look the same, and they aren't used for the same purpose.

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Q: How is a tree and elephant alike?
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How are a piano and an elephant alike?

They both contain elephant ivory.

Is a herbaceous tree and a woody tree alike or different?

alike and it is similar

How are an elephant and a mammoth alike?

both have tusks.

What has a trunk but is not a elephant?

a tree

How are African elephant families and human families alike?

they both have families and care for them ,most of the.timewe are different and alike .

How are bacteria a rose and an elephant alike?

They are all made of eukaryotic cells

What do you get when you cross a tree with an elephant?

Multiple trunks

What to do if you climbed a tree to escape an elephant but then find out there is a leopard on that tree?

stop crying

How is a flower and a tree alike and different?

it is not a plant

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The elephant tree and the boojum tree can be found on the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico.

Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?

So he could hide in cherry trees! have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? -No. -See, it works!

Why is the Asian elephant like the African elephant?

they aren't alike Asian elephants are smaller and usually have no trunks and African elephants are bigger and tend to weigh more