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So he could hide in cherry trees! have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree? -No. -See, it works!

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to hide in the cherry tree

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Q: Why did the elephant paint his toenails red?
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Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

So they can hide in cherry trees, have ever seen an elephant hide in a cherry tree? No?... Then it must work!

What is a good elephant joke?

Q. Why did the elephant paint his toenails red? A. To hide in the strawberry patch! Q. Why do elephants wear ripple-souled sneakers? A. To give the ants a 50/50 chance!

Why did the elephant paint his toenails red green yellow blue and purple?

so he could hide in the jelly bean jar

What color did Alice paint Bella's' toenails?

Alice paints them Bloody red.

What color does alice paint bellas toenails in eclipse?


What color does Alice paint Bella's toenails?

Alice paints Bella's toenails in a shade of pink.

What are 3 good elephant jokes?

Why did the elephant paint it's toenails red ?... So it could hide in a cherry tree ! What does an elephant need a telephone for ?... To make trunk calls ! What do you get if you cross an elephant with a mouse ?... HUGE holes in the wall !

What color does Alice paint Bella's toenails in eclipse while she is holding her hostage?

blood red.

Why did the elephant pain his toenails red green yellow blue and purple?

So the ants can use them as traffic lights.

Are there Elephant toenails found in chewing gum?


Can you hide an elephant in a strawberry patch if his toenails are painted red?

Hm.. I don't know.I don't know about you, or anybody else, but I find an elephant in a strawberry patch pretty distinct, whether elephants have toenails or not. There's a lot of green, too.only if he rolls over on his back...

Can an elephant hide in a strawberry patch if his toenails are painted red?

No - his trunk would stick out. No - his trunk would stick out. No - his trunk would stick out.