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The mitochondria would be used as the concession stands or ticket station that generates revenue for the park.

The cytoplasm would be the park grounds itself.

The Golgi apparatus would be the lines for various rides.

The endoplasmic reticulum would be the vendors that sell stuff.

Ribosomes would be the electric generators for various rides.

Vacoules would be the drinking fountains because they hold mostly water.

The lysosomes would be the trash bins.

The cell membrane would be the fence of the park with turntiles to let people in.

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11y ago

The chloroplast would be used as the concession stands or ticket station that generates revenue for the park.

The cytoplasm would be the park grounds itself.

The Golgi apparatus would be the lines for various rides.

The endoplasmic reticulum would be the vendors that sell stuff.

Ribosomes would be the electric generators for various rides.

Vacoules would be the drinking fountains because they hold mostly water.

The lysosomes would be the trash bins.

The cell membrane would be the fence of the park with turntiles to let people in.

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