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Their clitellum has developed and also their circulatory system for all of you Dissection lab question answerers.

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Q: How is an earthworm adapted to living in the soil?
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What are two ways in which an earthworm's body is adapted to life in soil?

An earthworm's body is adapted to life in the soil by having a slender body and by digesting soil. The long body makes it easier to burrow. Also, by just digesting the soil and passing it through the anus the worm can get nourishment while just moving.

How is an earthworm's body adapted for movement into and through soil?

ay ambot uy... kamu kunuy answer ana.. mga botol

How is the earthworm's digestive system adapted for extracting small amounts of food and large amounts of ingested soil?

The way that the earthworm <annelida> adapts to filtering food out of the soil is that it separates the waste and the food. It then eats the food and releases the waste! (ewwwwww)

Why is earthworm poop good for soil?

Because earthworm poop is dirt and it naturalizes the soil.

What are Ways in which an earthworm's body is adapted life in the soil?

It has a cylindrical shape - making movement though the soil easier. Each body segment also has tiny hairs on it - these lodge in the soil - giving it something to 'push' against.

What environmental factors might affect an earthworm living in a lawn?

Answer:Factors like moisture,tempeprature, pH and soil

How is an earthworm adapted to survive?

It eats remains like animal waste, apple core, and other bio-degradable things. The leave waste that is soil. The live off of small air pockets in the soil.

How does the movement of earthworm in soil helps a farmer?

An earthworm, while moving, chews up some soil and spits out the same amount of soil back into the ground. The soil which was eaten becomes fertile and more plants will grow on fertile soil. therefore, an earthworm helps a farmer by making soil fertile.

Which lives in the soil?


How can you find out wheather an earthworm eats soil?

To find out what an earthworm has been eating an examination of their droppings is needed. If the earthworm has been eating soil, sand will be present in the droppings.

What are two ways in which an earthworm's body is adapted to life in the soil?

When you touch a earth worm it quickly contracts and withdraws into its burrow.The earthworm has no eyes so it cannot tell that you are a bird about to eat it. Its rapid withdrawal is a behavioural adaption to avoid being eaten.

What is the habitat of an earthworm?

the soil it lies in