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Q: How is an electric motor similar to the aurora borealis?
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How does electric golf carts work?

an electric motor drives the cart, similar to an electric car or a gocart.

Where is the pancake motor normally used?

A pancake motor is a type of electric motor, with a flat commutator and vertical shaft, used typically in slot cars. Typically, the pancake motor is found mostly in Aurora HO cars, and today is used mostly in reproductions of 1960s and 1970s Aurora HO cars.

What is the function of an electric motor in terms of electric power and motor?

The electric motor changes electric energy into mechanical energy.

What changes electric energy into motion?

An electric motor

What kind of motor does the razor ground force electric go kart have?

The Razor Ground Force electric go kart has an electric rechargeable motor. Instead of using gasoline and a battery similar to a car's set up, the go kart only requires a battery.

Which conversion does an electric motor make?

electric energy to mechanical energy

Where is the blower motor relay located on a 95 Oldsmobile aurora?

The 1995 Oldsmobile Aurora blower motor relay switch is located beneath the dashboard on the passenger side. The blower motor relay switch should be labeled as such.

Why it is that mechanical energy is the output of an electric motor?

Because that is the purpose on an electric motor.

What is a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy?

Electric motor.

Where is the wiper motor in the 2001 Aurora?

on the firewall drivers side

What is startermoter?

A starter moter is a high-torque electric motor for turning the gear on the engine flywheel. The modern starter motor is either a permanent-magnet or a Series-parallel wound Direct current electric moter with a solenoid switch (similar to a relay) mounted on it.

What is the voltage tolerance of a standard electric motor?

the voltage tolerance of a standard electric motor is