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Q: How is anorexia stopped?
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What really caused Karen Carpenter's death?

She had anorexia - basically, she starved herself until her heart stopped.

Cat stopped eating and breaths heavy?

Take it to the vet immediately. Anorexia in cats is very serious as they can lose weight at a blinding speed.

What illness's can anorexia cause?

My friend's got anorexia and now she's going through chemotherapies abroad. Yes, cancer. Leukemia to be exact. Also she stopped having periods about 2 months into being anorexic, her hair falls out, and her teeth got yellow.

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia nervosa is Anorexia nervosa.

Does naomi campell have anorexia?

No she does not have anorexia.

What are reasons for not getting periods?

There are a few apart from the obvious one, being pregnant, but one of the more dangerous ones is anorexia. If you are suffering with anorexia or have been told by friends or loved ones that you are TOO THIN, and your periods have stopped, get to your doctor immediately. Don't wait, don't debate. Get to your doc ASAP.

How do you spell anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia is the correct spelling.

What is the difference between the names anorexia nervosa and anorexia?

It is just a shorter version of the full name. Anorexia is short for Anorexia Nervosa. Therefore, Anorexia Nervosa is commonly referred to as Anorexia. (As is Bulimia. Bulimia is short for Bulimia Nervosa.)

How can anorexia cause stravation?

Anorexia is starvation..

Is anorexia infectious disease?

Anorexia is NOT a disease - it is a psychological condition. You cannot 'catch' Anorexia from a sufferer !

How many types of Anorexia are there?

There are two major divisions anorexia is diagnosed as 1) anorexia-binge/purge subtype 2) anorexia-restricting type

What is the chain of infection of anorexia?

There is no chain of infection for anorexia, as it is not caused by a pathogen. Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder.