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Q: How is assimilation different from association?
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Which of these terms refers to the process by which a social group becomes part of another social group A accreditation B association C assertion D assimilation E abduction?


What are the types of assimilation?

There are several different types of assimilation. Some of these types include linguistics, cultural, sociology, language, biology, meteorology, and psychology.

What did the process of assimilation mean for the new immigrants?

The process of assimilation for immigrants is that of fitting in with the current dominant culture rather than the dominant culture accommodating different cultural viewpoints and language.

How is assimilation different from absorption of nutrients of digested food?

Absorption is whereby the digested food substances are entering our bloodstream. Assimilation is whereby the body makes use of these absorbed food substances that has entered our blood

What are the different social process in the Philippines?

>stratification >cooperation >amalgamation >differentiation >assimilation >acculturation >competition >conflict

A sentence for assimilation?

The assimilation into our society by foreigners is a bad idea.

What is biological assimilation?

Assimilation is the absorbtion of biological nutrients into the cell

What is 'assimilation' when translated from English to Italian?

"Assimilation" in English is assorbimento in Italian.

What is the policy assimilation?

Assimilation is the process of digesting food and absorption of nutrient.

What is primary structural assimilation?

Assimilating and interacting in close networks with groups different than you, ex. Interracial marriage.

What is marital assimilation?

Marital assimilation is apparent when large-scale intermarriage occurs.

What do you understand by the term assimilation policy and show the effect?

Answer this question...effect of assimilation