

How is beriberi caused?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Lack of thiamine or Vitamin B1.

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Q: How is beriberi caused?
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What is dry beriberi?

Wet beriberi affects the cardiovascular system. Dry beriberi affects the nervous system.

What is beriberi lacking in?

Beriberi (also called lack of vitamin B1), beriberi is a systemic disease which was due to a lack of vitamin B1 in vivo .

What organism causes Beriberi?

Beriberi is not caused by an organism ! It's a medical condition that results from a deficiency in Thiamin (Vitamin B1).

Is there a vaccination for beriberi?

There is no vaccination for Beriberi. This disease is often caused by the consumption of large amounts of alcohol over a long period of time.

Is beriberi a comunicable or non communicable disease?

It is a dietary deficiency disease. It happens when you do not eat the right foods. Not communicable.

How is beri beri caused?

BeriBeri is caused by having a lack of thiamine, aka vitamin B1.

Why did eijkman begin by looking for microorganisms as a cause of beriberi?

Eijkman did this because (at the time of looking for microorganisms) other scientists had recently shown that microorganisms caused a number of diseases and he thought that he had a chance to find beriberi was truly caused by a microogansm. :)

What is lack of vitamin B1 called?

Beriberi is caused by lack of vitamin B1 in the diet

What are five diseases caused by nutrient deficiency?

Pellagra, Rickets, Scurvy, Beriberi and Beri-Beri

What diseases are caused by nutrient deficienies?

beriberi, kwashiorkor, pellagra, rickets, osteoporosis night blindness

What water soluble vitamins are used to treat Beriberi disease?

Beriberi is a nervous system aliment caused by Vitamin B1 deficiency. The symptoms of Beriberi are, weight loss, depression, weakness, and pain. Possible solutions are to inject high doses of B1 into your muscles.Thiamine (Vitamin B1) can help prevent Beriberi.Beriberi is a nervous system ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet

Is beriberi a deficiency disease?

Yes. It refers to the symptoms caused by a nutritional deficit in vitamin B1 (thiamine).