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Q: How is bilirubin and urobilinogen contected in urine samples?
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What does urobilinogen in the urine mean?

Urobilinogen refers to the presence of bilirubin in the urine. Bilirubin is an enzyme that comes from the liver, and if it shows up in urine, that typically means that a person has a serious illness. The illness could be anything from gallstones to anemia, since bilirubin in the urine could be caused by many different things.

What do Multistix Generic Urine Test test for?

It test for Leucocytes, nitrite, urobilinogen, protein, pH, Blood, Specific Gravity, Keytone, Bilirubin and Glucose

What does uro mean in a urine test?

Urobilinogen: Urobilinogen is normally present in urine at concentrations up to 1.0mg/dl. A result of 2.0mg/dl represents the transition zone from normal to abnormal and the patient and or urine specimen should be evaluated further for hemolytic and hepatic disease. Evaluation of both the bilirubin and urobilinogen results helps in the differential diagnosis of jaundice, as well as other liver and biliary disorders.

In what condition is Ehrlich's test positive?

Hemolytic jaundice - excessive breakdown of red blood cells leads to a corresponding increase in conjugated bilirubin excreted by the liver, converted to urobilinogen in the intestines, and more urobilinogen being reabsorbed in the intestines which gets excreted in the urine.

Can hepitis c cause elevated urobilinogen levels in urine?

Can hepitis c cause elevated urobilinogen levels in urine?

What does it mean when a urine test states you have high urine content?

If you mean like high amount of urine: Polyuria. If you mean like high amount of particles inside the urine: High specific gravity = your urine may have high levels of glucose, protein, bilirubin, urobilinogen, or/and a lot of mucus, crystals, bacteria, and tissue/blood cells.

Pigment produced by the destruction of hemoglobin in the liver is called?

When the erythrocytes are destroyed, haemoglobin breaks down, the heme part of it goes through a series of transformation: Heme → biliverdin (green pigment) biliverdin → bilirubin (orange-yellow pigment) Bilirubin + blood albumin → bound bilirubin (in peripheral blood) Bound bilirubin + glucuronic acid → conjugated bilirubin. (in liver) Conjugated bilirubin + intestinal bacteria → several pigments, including - stercobolin (orange-brown pigment, excreted in feces) and - urobilinogen (reabsorbed into bile/blood, finally excreted in urine)

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What does leukocytes and urobilinogen on a urine dipstick test mean?

Leukocytes is infection. Urobilinogen is blood in the urine. It sounds like you was performing a test for a urine infection. If either of these 2 are positive then you have a UTI or possible Kidney infection if blood is found in urine.

Urine and feces get their characteristic colors from which of the following pigments?


How can you tell if bilirubin has affected my child?

Bilirubin is the pigment that makes feces brown."Failure of the liver cells to excrete bile, or obstruction of the bile ducts, can cause an increased amount of bilirubin in the body fluids and thus lead to obstructive or regurgitation jaundice.Another type of jaundice results from excessive destruction of erythrocytes (hemolytic or retention jaundice). The more rapid the destruction of red blood cells and the degradation of hemoglobin, the greater the amount of bilirubin in the body fluids.Most bilirubin is excreted in the feces. A small amount is excreted in the urine as urobilinogen."

List eight components of the chemical nature of urine?

Urine is 95% water, and also contains Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, as well as salt and ammonia and other trace elements and hormones.