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Calypso was different because she was a nymph not a god or goddess.

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Q: How is calypso different from the other goddesses?
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Circe and calypso a paragraph for each?

Circe and Calypso were goddesses in Homer's The Odyssey. Circe is kind and helpful to Odysseus; on the other hand, Calypso holds him captive and tries to force him to marry her.

What is calypso the goddesses of?

Calypso wasn't a goddess. She was a sea-nymph, and a daughter of the Titan Atlas.

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Both Circe and Calypso had trysts with Odysseus.

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Was Atlas's father Hesperides?

Yes, but also aside from being a titan (powerful deities) and Son of Iapetus. Sources describe Atlas as the father, by different goddesses, of numerous children, mostly daughters. By Hesperis: the Hesperides By Pleione (or Aethra): the Hyades; a son, Hyas; the Pleiades. By one or more unspecified goddesses: Calypso; Dione; Maera

Which gods and goddesses hurt Odysseus?

Poseidon, Calypso, and Zeus (only for throwing a lightning bolt at his whole crew after they disobeyed and ate the cattle of the sun)

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She has worked with other gods or goddesses but they are not told.

Why was the ancient greek goddess aphrodite different to all the other gods and goddesses?

She was born from the sea foam