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The largest non-organic cause of CO2 release is volcanic activity. In fact a single large eruption can produce more CO2 for the year than human activity does (Mt. St. Helens, for example).

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Q: How is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when its not been released by a living thing?
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Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

There are several. The main ones are:PhotosynthesisCarbonate formationDissolution of carbon dioxide into seawater

Describe the cycling of carbon in the carbon cycle?

The two processes of the carbon cycle are photosynthesis and cellular respiration. In photosynthesis carbon from carbon dioxide is fixed into carbohydrates. In cellular respiration, carbohydrates are broken down to form ATP and carbon in the form of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

What processes releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

RespirationCombustionDecayWeatheringThe major human processes that release carbon dioxide are the burning of carbon fuels (wood, coal, oil, gas) and the cellular respiration of animals and plants. CO2 is also released by the weathering of carbonate rocks, especially by acid rain.Cellular respiration is mainly balanced by the removal of carbon by photosynthesis, which releases oxygen. This is essentially the reverse process, removing the energy stored by forming carbohydrates.In terms of what process releases the most carbon dioxide into our atmosphere it is decaying organic matter. Total natural decay accounts for over 80% of all CO2 released annually. Natural processes in total account for 93% of all CO2 releases.

Why does carbon dioxide naturally occur in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide occurs in various ways with the industrial processes being the main contributors. Transportation also emits carbon dioxide to the environment and that is why it is referred to as a necessary evil.

Do insects emit carbon dioxide?

Yes, like most living things, insects are part of the carbon cycle which puts CO2 into the atmosphere and removes it again in a constant cycle.

Related questions

How does carbon get from living thing and into the atmosphere?

When living organisms die, they decompose, releasing carbon into the soil and air. Additionally, during respiration, organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Human activities like burning fossil fuels also contribute to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

How does carbon get into the atmosphere?

Carbon gets back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through the combustion of fossil fuels, and the cellular respiration of living things.

How does carbon dioxide enter living things?

Animals, including humans, take in carbon whenever we eat. Some of this is released when we breathe out. Vegetation, including trees, take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. They store the carbon and release the oxygen.

How do living things add carbon to theatmosphere?

Living things add carbon to the atmosphere through respiration, where they release carbon dioxide as a byproduct of metabolism. Additionally, when living organisms decompose after death, carbon stored in their bodies is also released back into the atmosphere. Human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels also contribute to the release of carbon into the atmosphere.

Where do plants get the carbon they use to make organic molecules?

carbon fixed in photosynthesis

How does the carbon cycle keep the amount of carbon dioxide constant in the atmosphere?

The carbon cycle maintains the balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the continuous exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, oceans, soil, and living organisms. Processes like photosynthesis by plants and algae remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, while respiration, decomposition, and combustion release carbon back into the atmosphere. This constant cycling of carbon helps regulate the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Why is a carbon dioxide oxygen cycle called a cycle?

The carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle is called a cycle because it is a continuous process where carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis by plants, converting it into oxygen. The oxygen is then released back into the atmosphere through respiration by organisms, forming a closed loop where the gases are continuously exchanged between living organisms and the environment.

Does decomposition increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Yes, decomposition releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as organic matter breaks down. This process is part of the carbon cycle, where carbon is transferred between living organisms, the atmosphere, oceans, and the Earth's crust.

What does the carbon dioxide oxygen cycle look like?

The carbon dioxide oxygen cycle, also known as the carbon cycle, involves the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between living organisms and the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, while during respiration, organisms take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This cycle helps maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What is the most important source of carbon entering atmosphere?

The most important source of carbon entering atmosphere is industries. Living things, burning fossil fuels and automobiles are other sources of carbon dioxide.

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

There are several. The main ones are:PhotosynthesisCarbonate formationDissolution of carbon dioxide into seawater

What is two gases in the atmosphere that are essential for life?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are two gases in the atmosphere that are essential for life. Oxygen is required for cellular respiration in most living organisms, while carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis in plants.