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Some carbon dioxide is absorbed by the top levels of the oceans where it is beginning to turn the oceans more acidic. That and photosynthesis are the only ways that carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere. Industries that emit carbon dioxide pollution are trialling ways of trapping carbon dioxide as it goes up the chimney stacks (scrubbers).

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Q: How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?
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What is used from the atmosphere for photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide

Where do the carbon atoms come from to produce the certain sugar for photosynthesis?

From the animals around it breathing oxygen and converting it to carbon dioxide.

Does photosynthesis take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?

No, Cellular Respiration returns carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere: Photosynthesis: Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Light Energy -> Sugar + Oxygen Cellular Respiration: Sugar + Oxygen -> C.R. -> Carbon Dioxide + Water

What else does Photosynthesis need besides water?

Photosynthesis needs sunlight & carbon dioxide besides water

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Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide as a raw material where carbon dioxide is fixed into organic molecules. This process lowers the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The seasonal fluctuation of carbon dioxide levels during a year may be caused by increased photosynthesis during spring and summer.

What is used from the atmosphere of photosynthesis to make sugars?

Carbon dioxide

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How does carbon enter plants from the atmosphere?

As carbon dioxide. Plants convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water to glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen in the chemical process of photosynthesis.

What substance is removed from the atmosphere so that plants can carry out photosynthesis?

That is carbon dioxide. It is a raw material

Does photosynthesis allow carbon to enter the atmosphere?

photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and recycles it to make oxygen. that is why trees are very important to the earth