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Eating passes the carbon compounds in the pant along to animals in a food chain. Ps; she likes you! Don't give up ..

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Q: How is carbon in plants passed on through the food chain?
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How is the sun's energy passed along in an ecosystem?

The Sun's help from the sunlight helps the plants grow up

Is carbon passed along the food chain?

not necessarily no

How energy is passed on in a food chain and where it can be lost?

it is passed through the stored energy (fat) when we eat animals and the stored sugars that plants make from photosynthesis. which is then transfered to our bodies when we eat them. it is lost through exercise, with the majority being lost to the surroundings via thermal energy (heat). the remaining enerygy is turned to carbon and released into the air when we decompose when dead. plants are refered to as carbon neautral as they absorb carbon throughout their lifetime but it is released when they are killed. sorry for the ramble at the end... hope this helps! x

Where does the electron transport chain passed down the chain?

chloroplasts in plants; mitochondria in animals

How did Glucose enter the food chain?

Plants (and some protists and bacteria) take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to make glucose through photosynthesis. They are then eaten by other organisms that break down the glucose for energy and carbon building blocks. Glucose is only in the food chain when the producer is eaten. The energy and matter is then passed on from the consumer in other chemical forms as they are eaten.

What makes plants unique from animals in the food chain?

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen; animals breathe in oxygen & breathe out carbon dioxide.

Why is carbon dioxide present in the air?

Carbon dioxide is present in the air because plants need carbon dioxide to make food and without carbon dioxide plants would die and eventually the rest of the food chain.

How does energy enter a food chain through plants?

Energy enters plants through a process called photosynthesis

What gets passed through an ecosystem along a food chain?


What happens to the number of carbon atoms in the carbon chain molecules as they through the Krebs cycle?

Energy is released.

What is transferred from plants to animals through the food chain?


Inorganic elements that are extracted from the soil by plants and are passed up the food chain to humans?
