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How is carbon in a bead insect recycled

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Q: How is carbon recycled from dead insects?
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How does carbon get recycled?

Carbon get recycled by the use of human and animals they inhale it.

What is being recycled in the carbon cycle?

oxygen is being recycled in the carbon cycle

Is carbon recycled?

carbon recycling is when u recycle carbon

What is the difference between carbon cycle and and oxygen cycle?

Their is recycled air in the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle and no recycled air in the carbon cycle.

How is coal recycled?

Coal can not be recycled. Once it's burnt, it's just ash, carbon and carbon dioxide.

How is the carbon present in dead animals and plants returned to the atmosphere?

Yes it is recycled, unless it is sequestered by geologic processes (to become a fossil fuel).

Why is it necessary for carbon to be recycled?

cause it does ;(

Is carbon recycled in the biosphere?

Yes it is.

How do carbon atoms get to Earth?

The carbon atoms that are already here are recycled. When plants and animals die, all the elements they have are recycled and reused.

What happens to dead plants and animals?

It is recycled by organisms known as decomposers

Which two carbon compounds are recycled in the carbon and oxygen cycles?

Carbon dioxide and sugar

What two carbon compounds are recycled in the carbon and oxygen cycles?

carbon dioxide and sugar