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Q: How is cheetah adapted to hunt gazelle?
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Do cheetas eat gazelles?

Yes. Cheetah's are too small to hunt down and kill a full grown zebra or a buffalo. A zebra calf is about the size that a cheetah can tackle and hunt. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill.

What animal eats the gazelle grant's gazelle?

mostly cheetah and lions

Why do lions hunt cheetahs?

Cheetahs are carnivores, so they need to eat meat. They are adapted to run extremely fast, but for that reason they are lightly built. This means they hunt smaller, faster prey than lions or tigers do, and gazelle and antelope are perfect prey for them.

What prey do the cheetahs hunt commonly?

Blesbok, duiker, Grant's gazelle, impala, reedbuck, springbok, and Thomson's gazelle are some of the common targets of the cheetah. Other prey animals include the bat-eared fox, bushbuck, kudu, hartebeest, nyala, oribi, roan antelope, steenbok, sable antelope, and waterbuck.

What is the diet of the cheetah?

The primary prey of the cheetah is the gazelle and other smaller antelopes.

Will a cheetah eat a zebrah?

Given an opportunity yes. But, cheetah's are too small to hunt down and kill a full grown zebra. A zebra calf is about the size that a cheetah can tackle and hunt. Gazelle's, Impala and Springbok are the usual prey species as they are around the size that a cheetah can catch and kill.

What animals do cheetah's usually hunt?

Cheetahs hunt by chasing the animal, mostly during the day when other predators are sleeping. The cheetah is the fastest animal on land. They can run up to 70 miles per hour! Since the cheetah is designed for speed and not long distance running, they sneak up on their prey to get as close as possible before the sprint. The cheetah will stalk a prey animal, and when it is not paying attention, the cheetah leaps out and runs toward it. The cheetah will try to trip the animal by pulling its legs out from under it as they run.

A African antelope that a cheetah goes after?

Thompson's gazelle.

What do cheatahs eat?

Meat. They kill other animals and eat them.

What animals does a cheetah struggle with?

It's prey: the gazelle or antelope.

What kind of animals and plants are in the same ecosystem as a cheetah?
