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Q: How is ci pronounced in Italian?
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What is the Italian word for yes?

---- Yes in Italian is ci which is pronounced "si" just like Spanish. ----

What is 'Ci sarai' when translated from Italian to English?

Ci sarai! in Italian is "You will be there!" in English.

What is the Italian 'Che ci amiamo' in English?

That we may love each other is an English equivalent of 'Che ci amiamo'. The phrase in Italian is pronounced 'kay chee ah-mee-AH-moh'. In the word by word translation, the relative 'che' means 'that'. The reflexive 'ci' means 'ourselves'. The verb 'amiamo' means '[we] may love'.

What is 'Sì ci sara' when translated from Italian to English?

Sì, ci sarà in Italian means "Yes, there will be" in English.

What is 'We will miss you' when translated from English to Italian?

"We will miss you!" in English is Ci mancherai! to one "you" and Ci mancherete! to one or more "you all" in Italian.

I'll see you Friday in Italian?

ci vediamo venerdi'

How do you say one in bhutanese?

Ci, pronounced, Chi.

What is 'Ci sono tantissimi desideri' when translated from Italian to English?

Ci sono tantissimi desideri! in Italian means "There are so many wishes!" in English.

What is the Italian translation of the English phrase 'I will be there'?

Ci sarò is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I will be there".Specifically, the adverb ci means "there". The verb sarò translates as "(I) will be". The pronunciation will be "TCHEE sa-RO" in Italian.

What is the Italian phrase 'Ci proverò' in English?

"I will try" is an English equivalent of the Italian phrase Ci proverò.Specifically, the pronoun ci means "it." The verb proverò means "(I) will try." The pronunciation is "tchee proh-veh-ROH."

How do you say 'see you there' in Italian?

Ci vediamo là.

What is 'us' when translated from English to Italian?

Noi or Ci