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Q: How is climate of a place affected by local features such as height or the coastline?
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What affects the temperature and climate of a region?

Factors such as latitude, altitude, proximity to bodies of water, ocean currents, and prevailing winds can affect the temperature and climate of a region. These factors influence things like the amount of sunlight received, the distribution of heat, and the presence of moisture in the air, all of which determine the climate patterns in a given area.

What are the physical features of a country?

There is the flora and fauna, height, climate, Height, colour, size, shape and type of rocks/soils. By ACI

Is the height a ball bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?


How does a persons height affected by the environment?

there not

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What is the height of the Atlantic Coast of New Hampshire?

The coastline is at zero feet above sea level.

What are the geographical features of Victoria island?

its has a height of....

Is a ball's bounce affected by the height from which it is dropped?

Yes, a ball's bounce is affected by the height from which it is dropped. The higher the drop height, the higher the ball will bounce due to the increase in potential energy transferred into kinetic energy during the bounce.

Is the height of a ball bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is the height of the ball's bounce affected by the height from which the ball is dropped?

Yes - the greater the height an item dropped the resulting bounce is higher

Is height a dependent variable?

Height can be a dependent variable. This is because the adult height of an individual can be markedly affected by environmental and physical variables.