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Loss culture, Diversity including languages barrier and social tension

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Teriinga Tewaua Tiro...

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4y ago
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Q: How is cultural change detrimental to pacific island societies?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural change to Pacific societies?

i only know a disadvantage not a advantage............i need a advange but anyways my disadvantage is they are losing people from the society or group................... hope that helps

How did european imperialism impact cultural change in east asia and the pacific world?


Why was the agricultural revolution such a dramatic cultural change?

The agricultural revolution was a dramatic cultural change because it shifted societies from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to settled farming communities. This change led to the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, division of labor, and the rise of complex societies. It fundamentally transformed the way people lived, organized themselves, and interacted with their environment.

Beneficial detrimental changes in the tundra biome?

a detrimental change is the ice melts a beneficial change is somthing

What are the advantages of learning cultural anthropology?

Learning cultural anthropology helps you understand diverse cultural perspectives, promotes cultural sensitivity, and fosters critical thinking skills by challenging your own cultural assumptions. It also provides insights into the complexities of human societies and how they adapt to change over time.

What is detrimental change?

dadsfasdfasdf that's what it is

How do societies change?

Changes in society can change fast and slow by their influences. Societies change from growth and technology. Societies also change because of people and outside influences.

What questions do cultural anthropologists ask?

Cultural anthropologists ask questions about how societies are structured, how cultures develop and change over time, how people create and maintain social relationships, how individuals perceive and interpret their environments, and how people adapt to different social settings and challenges. They study human behavior, beliefs, values, rituals, traditions, and norms within specific cultural contexts to better understand the complexities of human societies.

What does it mean to respect cultural diversity?

In most societies there are clear patterns of "women's work" and "men's Work," both in the household and in the wider Community and cultural explanations of why this should be so. The patterns and the explanations among societies change over time. Different cultures have different ways of expressing their civic duties, or sense of responsibility towards neighbors and fellow countryman.

Definition of socio and cultural change?

Social change is a change in society. Cultural change is a change in culture.

What are three general ways that cultural change is set in motion?

cultural change is set in motion by cultural diffusion, cultural discovery and cultural invention.

What the causes of cultural change?

Three causes of Cultural change are, migration, trade, and warfare.