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Cyber bullying is hurting someones feelings and harassing them through the web. Stalking is hacking someone to receive personal information, or asking them questions in a secretive way on the web(pretending you're their age). Stalking is finding out someones information to hurt, steal from, or just hack them. There is also real life stalking but that is different.

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Q: How is cyber bullying and stalking different from each other?
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Related questions

Why is cyber-bullying worst than bullying?

Cyber bullying is no worse than any other form of bullying - it is all very, very bad!

What is cyber bullying and cyber stalking?

Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that you bully someone over the internet. There have been many accidents of people committing suicides because of bullying any form of bullying is not cool so do not do it.

How does cyberbullying effect the victums?

Cyber bullying effects kids the same way regular bullying does but everyone is different. Other people can deal with being cyber bullied & others let it ruin their lives & may decide to commit suicide. Bullying is not a joke , it's cruel to torment other people for your own enjoyment.

What are the synonyms for cyber-bullying?

hurting other through the use of internet usage.

Is it verbal abuse if the abuse is sent by text?

Yes. -- It is known as cyber bullying and is just as serious as any other type of bullying.

What is the type of bullying other than physycal verbal and cyber?

pressure bullying hasing emotinal bullying if u are or no someone who is being bullied take action now

How is bullying the same as cuber bullying?

Cyber bullying is when you are being harassed, tormented, threatened, or humiliated on the internet or any other social technology.

How is bullying the same a cyber-bullying?

There is physical and verbal bullying... cyder bullying is verbal bullying but the person doesn't know who you are. This can be easily done on facebook, instant messaging and email if you create an account. My friend was constantly getting message telling her to kill herself and we reported it to the police... they solved the whole problem!

Why are mobile phones a social issue?

They can be used for sexting, online cyber bullying, and other mischief.

How do people stop cyber bullying?

people can stop cyber bullying by speaking up and telling someone. they also can speak their minds to the bully and tell them to stop. sometimes you can ignore it but other time you can't take it but stay calm you'll get through it

On which websites does most cyber bullying take place?

Cyber bullying takes place on mostly. There is an anonymous option, where the reader doesn't know who is sending the message. This is the Number 1 place cyber bullies go to harass other people. Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are major places for cyber bullying too. All the social media sites have tons of cyber bullying.

How does Cyber Bullying occurs?

It happens when two people start sending each other mean e-mails or texts.