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He crafted two pair of wings (one for him, one for his son, Icarus), our of feathers, wood and beeswax. Using them, he flew away with his son.

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Q: How is did Daedalus escape King Minos?
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Where does Daedalus get the idea for his escape?

Daedalus was imprisoned in the Labyrinth on Crete by King Minos. He wanted to escape but Minos' navy patrolled all the coast.Daedalus knew that the King did not rule the sky so, he came up with the idea of building wings for himself and his son, Icarus to fly out.Where did he get the idea … realizing the Minos did not rule the sky.

Why Did King Minos Imprison daedalus?


Which king did Daedalus outwit?

King Minos of Knossos in Crete.

Which king tried to keep Daedalus prisoner?

king minos

Is Daedalus a girl or a boy in greek mytgolygy?

Daedalus was a man. He was an inventor from Crete. He invented the Labrynth in which Theseus fought the Minotaur. Minos, the king of Crete, got mad at him for helping Theseus. Daedalus fled, and finally found a place in the court of King Cocalus. King Minos finally found him after Daedalus solved a riddle for which Minos offered a huge prize to anyone who solved it. King Cocalus' daughters killed Minos before he could kill Daedalus

A dangerous maze built for King Minos Sacrificial victims were sent into it It was almost impossible to escape At the centre was the monstrous Minotaur?

The Labyrinth, built by Daedalus. The Minotaur was kept in this maze until Theseus killed it.

What motivated Daedalus to create the most daring invention of his life?

If you mean his wings, then it was to escape his imprisonment by King Minos for the knowledge he might give out about the labyrinth (which Daedalus had created). If you mean the labyrinth, then it is because King Minos made him create it so he could imprison his wife's son, the Minotaur.

Why Daedalus and icarus prisoned by the king?

King Minos wants daedalus' knowledge. and also, daedalus let theseus(a demigod) kill king minos' minotaur(Half-bullman) and surpass the maze of the labyrinth. and kill eventually kill the daughter of minos(theseus did that). and also daedalus was the inventor of the labyrinth. and he is the one who can navigate it perfectly.the maze was designed to fool you. but not him.

Who was the inventor of the labyrinth in Percy Jackson?

daedalus invented the labyrinth and was then imprisoned in it by king minos after he helped theseus and princess aridne escape from the minotaur that was in the labyrinth

Who married Daedalus?

Daedalus married Pasiphae, whom King Minos imprisoned along with her child, the Minotaur.

Who are the mortals in the myth of Icarus and Daedalus?

Icarus and Daedalus were both mortals King Minos was also a mortal

What king tried to keep Daedalus prisoner?

King Minos of Crete tried to imprison Daedalus in the labyrinth he had created to hold the Minotaur.