

How is earth and Jupiter not alike?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Jupiter is bigger so it has a bigger gravitational force, Jupiter is away from the sun more, it is a gas giant. most asteroids hit Jupiter saving our planet, and Jupiter doesn't have a atmosphere like we do.

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How are Earth and Jupiter alike?

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How are Earth and Jupiter are alike and different?

EARTH AND JUPITER ARE AWESOME! but i live on earth making it awesomer! BD

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How is Earth alike and different from Jupiter?

Similarities: Planets, natural satellites Differences:Jupiter is a gas giant, earth is not.

Are Jupiter and Earth alike?

Jupiter and Earth are not alike. Jupiter is a gas giant with no solid surface, while Earth is a rocky planet with liquid water and a diverse ecosystem. Jupiter is much larger than Earth and has a strong magnetic field and many moons, while Earth has a thinner atmosphere and a single moon.

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Jupiter is the least like Earth. Jupiter has a lots more Gravity than Earth and is much bigger, being made mostly of the gases hydrogen and helium. Venus is often referred to as the sister of the earth. It is very alike in size, where it is in the Solar System and what has been found on Venus and the Earth.

How are Jupiter and Earth alike and different?

EARTH AND JUPITER ARE AWESOME! but i live on earth making it awesomer! BD

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What are alike between Jupiter and earth?

jupiter and earth are both planets and go around the sun. that is the only thing alike. Edit : There's a bit more than that. One thing is that they both have significant magnetic fields. Also they both have important internal heat sources and they have atmospheres with storm systems, etc. There's probably more, but I agree they are very different planets.

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Jupiter is about 317.938 earth masses.