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Q: How is energy transferred to homes and industry?
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Related questions

Is electricity energy considered a resource?

Electricity is not an energy resource. It is called an energy carrier. That means the energy resource (coal, uranium, oil, gas, wood, wind, solar, etc..) is transferred to electricity (in a power plant) and this electricity is transferred to the end energy user (homes, industry, etc..).

What is the biggest energy user in the US industry homes or transportation?

Heating and cooling.

What is transferred from organism to organism in a food chain?

energy is transferred from on animal to the other animal. Because energy can't be destroyed only transferred

How electricity energy is transferred to home and industry?

your electricity supply at home reaches you through the Nation Grid.This is a network of cables connecting power stations to homes and other buildings. The network also contains trasformers. Step-up transformers are used at power stations and Step-down transformers are used at sub-stations rear homes.

How is wind energy transferred?

Wind energy is transferred by wind mills.

What is the rate at which the energy is transferred?

The rate at which energy is transferred is called POWER

Energy transferred by waves or rays?

Yes, energy can be transferred that way.

How is energy transferred into an inclined plane?

Energy is transferred into an inclined by effort

How can energy be transferred through the atmosphere?

Energy is transferred through the atmosphere by radiation.

What happens to the energy not transferred?

If the energy is not transferred, it will stay where it was. Or it may be wasted somewhere.

What kind of energy is being transferred when the blender is used?

Is transferred heat energy.

How energy transferred through matter?

energy is transferred through matter or space by