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Q: How is energy transformed in electric energy?
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How energy is transformed in tha electric flat iron?

1. Electric flat iron -electrical energy===> mechanical energy===>heat energy

What energy does an electric fan use?

In an electric fan electrical energy is transformed into mechanical energy and in loudspeaker the electrical energy is converted into sound energy.

How is electrical energy transformed to other forms of energy?

Energy transformed by the means of energy transformation.

How energy is transformed light from flashlight?

Battery electric energy is converted to light energy of flashlight.

Can chemical energy be transformed into other forms of energy?

Chemical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy. This form of energy can be converted into motion energy, electric energy and heat energy among others.

Which energy transformation is taking in an electric motor?

Usually electrical energy is transformed into mechanical or kinetic energy

How do you use transformation of energy?

As energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can be transformed from one form to another. Hence ,in various applications energy is only transformed. For eg. : Electric motor

How does hydropower transformed?

The potential energy of the falling down water transfers to kinetic energy. The kinetic energy turns turbines that are connected to electric generators where the kinetic energy transfers into electric energy.

What type of energy transformations occurs in a motor?

In an electric motor, electrical energy (because it uses electricity) is transformed into mechanical energy (because it performs action). An electric mixer is a good example of this.

Only a small percentage of the electric energy fed into a light bulb is transformed into light what happens to the remaining energy?

It appears as heat

Can energy be transformed?

Energy can be transformed into different ways of energy.

What energy transformation occurs when an electrical fan turned on?

Electric energy to kitenic energy