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Q: How is eniac similar from modern computers?
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Related questions

What are some commonalities between the ENIAC and modern computers?

Eniac had a multitude of bugs and crashes, the modern computers have a multitude of bugs and crashes. For the next 10 years no commonalities anymore between ENIAC and the future computers.

How many vocum tubes were in the eniac?

The ENIAC has 17,468 vacuum tubes. These tubes were the first technology that made computers function. Modern computers do not use this technology.

Examples of fourth generation of computers?


What came after the eniac?

many far better computers

What were the first computers?

ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer.

Why did the ENIAC shut down?

The ENIAC was eventually shut down because more advanced, easier to use, and cheaper to operate computers became available.

Was the eniac computer the first computer to be created?

No, the following digital computers preceded ENIAC: Harvard Mark I, ABC, Zuse Z1 & Z2 & Z3, Colossus Mark 1 & Mark 2. Also many analog computers preceded these.However ENIAC was the first general purpose programmable electronic digital computer.

What is eneac?

ENIAC was one of the 1st mass-produced analog computers. Mfg: IBM.

What were the first three computers designed to use you a stored program?

ENIAC was the First computer that was used to store program.

What institutions are using univac and eniac computers?

none. none of these machines still operate. the last UNIVAC I was shut down in 1970. the ENIAC was shut down in late 1950s.

The first generation of computers?

Eniac generation 1940s to about 1958, vacuum tube logic circuits.

What was the name of the computer in the movie Desk Set?

EMERAC (an allusion to the early computers UNIVAC and ENIAC)