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by removal of hydrogen molecule one more pi bond will be formed between carbons thus ethene will convert in ethyne

Edit by some other dude named Timaeus: That's not right at all. This is how it's done:

First, halogenation of ethene to form a vicinal dihalide. Then a second order elimination reaction, let's say using a bulky nucleophile like tert-butoxide, to convert it to a bromoethene. Then just once more with the E2 reaction to form ethyne.

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11y ago
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2mo ago

Ethanol can be dehydrated to produce ethylene (C2H4) using a suitable catalyst such as aluminum oxide. Ethylene can then be dimerized to form ethane (C2H6). The reaction involved in the conversion of ethanol to ethylene is: 2 C2H5OH → C2H4 + H2O

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12y ago

Ethylene is derived from crude oil. The process of fractional distillation is used to separate crude oil into its main components (ie. its relevant carbon chain length). The cracking of the large hydrocarbons, thermally or catalytically, breaks them into smaller hydrocarbons. Ethylene is produced in this way.

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10y ago

Take ethene. Add Br2 to get the dibromo derivative. Then do a double dehydrohalogenation with Alcoholic KOH to get ethyne.

CH2=CH2 + Br2 ---> CH2Br-CH2Br + 2KOH(Alcoholic)---> CH-=CH + 2KBr + 2H2O

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10y ago

Ethylene is produced by heating hydrocarbons to intense heats. The resulting mixture is then repeatedly compressed and distilled to remove the ethylene from it.

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14y ago

Hydrogenation in presence of Ni as catalyst.

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11y ago

Mono halogenation followed by reaction with alcoholic KOH.

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13y ago

as it can prepared from c2

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Q: How is ethane prepared from ethanol. give the reaction involved in it?
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How is ethane obtained from ethanol?

Ethane can be obtained from ethanol by first dehydrating ethanol to form ethylene. Ethylene can then be hydrogenated to produce ethane. This process involves dehydrating ethanol at high temperatures to remove water and then catalytically converting ethylene to ethane in the presence of hydrogen gas.

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Butane is typically prepared from ethane through a process called catalytic dehydrogenation. In this process, ethane is passed over a catalyst at high temperatures to remove hydrogen atoms from the ethane molecules, resulting in the formation of butane. The butane can then be isolated and purified for various industrial applications.

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The reaction of ethane with hydrochloric acid and water produces ethanol and hydrogen chloride gas as products. Ethanol is formed by the hydrolysis of ethyl chloride, which is a byproduct of the reaction.

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Ethanol can be produced from ethane through a process called steam cracking, which breaks down ethane into smaller molecules. These smaller molecules can then be further processed into ethanol through fermentation or chemical conversion. The conversion of ethane to ethanol involves several steps and typically requires catalysts and specific process conditions.

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Ethane and ethanol are both organic compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Both compounds can be used as fuels, but ethanol is also commonly used as a solvent and in alcoholic beverages.

CH3 plus CH3CH2OH what is the expected product?

The reaction between CH3 and CH3CH2OH (ethanol) is a radical substitution reaction. The expected product would be ethane (CH3CH3) and a ethoxy radical (CH3CH2O•).

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What is an essential condition for the reaction of bromine with ethane?

An essential condition for the reaction of bromine with ethane is the presence of UV light. UV light provides the energy needed to break the bromine molecule and initiate the reaction with ethane, forming bromoethane.