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Q: How is free implemented in C language?
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Who designed and implemented the c plus plus programming language?

Bjarne Stroustroup

Is c an application or software?

"C" is a programming language. It is implemented by writing a program using the C syntax and then translated by a compiler, which is an application program.

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What programming language do I use to program Wii games for free?

you cant for free, but i was looking round to find what language games are written in and most are in C/C++

Is Python a legitimate program?

Yes, it is a legitimate program, but is that what you were really asking? Are you talking about the language discussed at If you are wondering if the language itself is legitimate, it is. Simply, it is an interpreted language implemented directly in C.

The application where c language can't implemented but it is done by c plus plus language?

Any C++ application that makes use of classes cannot be compiled in C since C is not an object-oriented programming language. The code may be altered to eliminate the classes, but if the classes are designed with complex hierarchies then the transition could prove quite difficult to implement.

What is the Pascal programming language data structure?

In Pascal, data structures are implemented with recorddata types. A record is synonymous with the structdata type in C, or the class data type in C++.

What are object oriented programming language's?

Languages where all types, including primitive types such as integers, are implemented as objects. Java is a pure object oriented language. C++ is not pure because integers, floating point values and pointers are primitive data types that are not implemented as objects. As a result, Java is easier to program, but C++ is more efficient.

How does the free function work in c language?

free() marks the memory locations as available for malloc().

In Which Language JVM is written?

As there are more than one JVM implementations, there is not a single language used to implement them all. Off the top of my head, I can list JVMs that are implemented in C, C++, Java (yes, a JVM in Java), Objective C, and even one in Javascript (don't ask why).

What are the applications of pointers in using c language?

Accessing data by address. Some data-structures, like lists and trees, are usually implemented using pointers.