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Most religious creation myths teach that human beings (and every other form of life), were created specially, separate from all the others, for a particular divine purpose.

Evolutionary theory does not award the human race (or any other kind of life) with a special position. Each and every living thing is the end product, the summum, of a long history of surviving common ancestors, producing diverging lineages. According to evolutionary theory, we're special not because of our origins, but because of the characteristics we've evolved, which set us - but every other life form as well - apart from all the others. There is no overriding purpose to our being special, according to evolutionary theory. We're merely a product of differential reproductive success.

I believe that, in the basis, it is the issue of needing to be special in combination with the need for some overriding purpose that causes fundamentalists to reject evolutionary theory as an explanation for the diversity of life. See the answer below for an example of this.


Fundamentalism, and religion in general, is at odds with evolutionary theory because evolutionary theory tends to be taught with the implicit message that God is not part (or need not be part) of the picture, that people do not have souls, and that there's no life after this one.

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Fundamentalism, and religion in general, is at odds with evolutionary theory because evolutionary theory tends to be taught with the implicit message that God is not part (or need not be part) of the picture, that people do not have souls, and that there's no life after this one.
Religion believes that evolutionary theory as usually taught, is selling us short, is making "monkeys' uncles" out of us, is flying in the face of worldwide tradition, and is being misused.
(Some people believe in a God-guided evolution. With this particular view, religion has much less to argue. But that is usually not the way evolutionary theory is presented.)
See also:

Is there evidence for Creation?

Can you show that God exists?

Seeing God's wisdom

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Q: How is fundamentalism at odds with the teaching of evolution?
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