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Garbage pollution can cause emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

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12y ago

It is pollution caused by garbage.

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Q: How is garbage cause of air pollution?
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Related questions

What are the causes of improper garbage disposal?

Improper garbage disposal can cause harmful effects on animal life. Improper garbage disposal can also cause air pollution and pollution of soil.

Does Garbage Cause Pollution?


How does a dump cause pollution?

because a dump is usually a dump of garbage and garbage has heaps of bacteria in it with then bacteria is what causes pollution

Can vacant lots cause pollution?

A vacant lot can cause pollution because people trough their garbage there.

Is proper garbage disposal is important?

Proper garbage disposal is important so as to prevent pollution of land and air. Improper garbage disposal releases foul smell causing air pollution

What problems are caused by garbage disposal?

The most severe problem with garbage is where to put it. There's a huge pile of garbage in the middle of the Pacific Ocean; New York piles it on barges; garbage dumps get compacted and built on (the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, California, is on a garbage dump and there are tubes in the ground to release the methane, a major cause of Global Warming). We can only recycle and compost so much garbage. Garbage attracts rats and other disease-carrying vermin. Garbage and littering can also cause animals to suffocate. The chemicals in the pollution cause chemicals to rise into the air causing air pollution.

Is air pollution cause landslides?

no air pollution does not cause landslides

Do hot air balloons cause air pollution?

Do hot air ballons cause air pollution

Do tornadoes cause air pollution?

No. Tornadoes can be very destructive, but they do not cause air pollution.

How do people cause water pollution?

People cause water pollution from throwing garbage and other things into the water. Also, oil and other chemicals cause pollution.

What are the causes of garbage pollution give five examples?

garbage pollution are often cause when people dispose ther garbage on the street and not in bins, when it is throun in rivers and streems, having animials in places that isnt for animals

How is trash harmful to the environment?

Garbage and trash are harmful to the environment. Garbage and trash can emit methane gasses into the atmosphere, and cause illnesses to those that come into contact with these materials.