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Often generalisations and stereotypes are based on certain people or things for which they are true. However, these can become harmful if they are applied to people for which they are actually false. For instance, someone who behaves in a very flamboyant way may often be seen by others as 'camp' or 'gay'. But, in reality, that person may well not be gay at all and that stereotype is then incorrect for them. This kind of generalisation can be harmful if it leads to discrimination or if it affects how someone is treated. After all, everyone is unique and so generalisations are likely to affect people negatively if they get out of hand.

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How can you show generalization is correct?

No. A generalization cannot be proved correct. Even this generalization about a generalization could be incorrect. Anywho, and generalization could never be proven correct.

How can you show a generalization is correct?

No. A generalization cannot be proved correct. Even this generalization about a generalization could be incorrect. Anywho, and generalization could never be proven correct.

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Hasty generalization is a logical fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence.

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A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.

What is generalization?

*A generalization is a statement about several things or people *clue words to identify generalization * Valid generalization: fact support or prove and (true) generalization *clue words in a sentence to make a generalization: never,all,sometimes,most,always,none,everybody,everone,society,some,almost,only,empty *Faulty generalization: (not true) generalization (can not) be proven or supported with a fact.

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It is inherently neither. A generalization is an assumption. It can be predicated on a fact, but that is not conditional, nor does that validate a generalization.

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An informal fallacy of faulty generalization by reaching an inductive generalization based on insufficient evidence

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yes the word are is a generalization

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There is really no telling if generalization is correct. It is told that generalization is never correct and some has told that generalization is sometime correct so it depends on a person opinion.

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One valid generalization in developing nations is that access to healthcare and education can be limited, impacting the overall well-being and development of individuals. Additionally, infrastructure challenges such as unreliable electricity and water supply can hinder economic growth and quality of life in these nations. Finally, corruption and lack of transparency in government can impede progress and perpetuate inequalities.

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Generalization can be defined as a broad statement that is applicable to a group of people.