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Sperm and egg cells both contain half the number of chromosomes found in any other human cell--23, as opposed to 46. Chromosomes contain tighly wound coils of DNA, sections of which are referred to as "genes."

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, their nuclei fuse together, and you now have a zygote which contains a full set of 46 chromosomes--23 from each parent. The combination of the genes you inherit, as well as environmental factors in utero and after you are born, will determine what you look like, your intelligence level, how prone you will be to certain diseases, and so forth... AT THE TIME OF REPRODUCTION!!

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15y ago
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12y ago

When the Sperm and the Egg fuse they inherit genes from the mum and from the dad, it's possible to select the genes you want by genetic engineering( this cannot take place on humans ) Otherwise we cannot choose specific genes therefor cannot determine what the child will look like. These genes determine how clever, what you look like, how prone you are to getting diseases, ect..

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15y ago

The traits are passed on through gametes, in which the males sperm carries, and the females eggs are carried. Each only contains one of each chromotids which decides your traits depending on the matches the chromosomes make.

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13y ago

DNA molecules

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Through DNA

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The transmission of genetic information from parent to offspring is called genetics or genetic transmission. Such genetic information includes height, eye and hair color.

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Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from the parent cell to the daughter cells. This is how some traits are transferred through the genes.

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DNA molecules

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What an offspring that was given different genetic information for a trait from each parent?
