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Granite may form in associate with a volcano if magma high in silica, potassium, and sodium becomes trapped in the magma chamber or other structures underground and cools and hardens in place.

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Q: How is granite from in a volcano?
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What kind of volcano creates granite?

What type of volcano creates granite

Why is the texture of rhyolite different from the texture granite?

because rholite forms outside a volcano and granite forms inside the volcano

What type of climate does granite last longest in?

An extremely hot climate (volcano) because granite is an igneous rock.

What type of volcano is yosemite granite domes?

They are not volcanoes. The Yosemite granite domes are plutons, formed from molten rock that cooled deep underground.

What does granite form from?

In the volcano/magma chamber, different minerals that make up granite, (feldspar, quartz, etc.) mix to form grainy, large crystals of the different minerals. That is how granite is formed.

What sort of rock was Edinburgh Castle built on?

Granite. It is the plug of an ancient volcano apparrently.

Is it possible for granite to transform into an igneous rock?

Granite already is an igenous rock, but it can melt and then re-solidify to form an igenous rock again. The new rock might not necessarily be granite, either if the melted granite erupts from a volcano or mixes with magma of a different composition.

Granite pumica and scoria are igneous rocks Why doesnt granite air have airholes like the other two?

it is because granite is formed by magma that cools under the earth unlike pumica and scoria that form while a volcano erupts.

Is scoria a granite rock?

No. Scoria is a basaltic lava ejected as fragments from a volcano, typically with a frothy texture.

What igneous rock forms from granite?

Granite is already an igneous rock. If the granite simply melts and re-solidifies it will become granite again. If it melts and is erupted from a volcano, it will form rhyolite. If it melts and mixes with magma of a different composition, then it could form any number of igneous rocks.

Is camelback mountain in phoenix an old volcano?

The rock of Camelback mountain is Precambrian granite and dates back around 1.5 billion years ago. Granite is an igneous rock formed by the cooling of magma, however most granites form underneath the crust meaning that Camelback Mountain is not an extinct Volcano.

What volcano does obsidian come from?

Obsidian is a felsic glass. At depth, it will crystallize to form granite. On the other hand it turns into perlite on reacting with water. At high grade it recrystallizes to form felsic glass.