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Q: How is habitat loss affecting the platypus?
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What is the future of the platypus?

The platypus has quite a secure future. Although vulnerable to habitat loss and changes brought about by human interference, the platypus has enjoyed a resurgence in its population since becoming a protected animal. There are estimated to be as many platypuses now as there were when European settlement started.

Are platypus losing their habitat?


Does a platypus habitat have trees?

A platypus habitat is not dependent on trees. They just need a permanent water supply, but do seem to prefer tree-sheltered riverbanks.

Can a platypus live in Virginias Dismal Swamp?

They could, almost certainly.The habitat is similar to their habitat in Australia.

What is the loss of a natural habitat called?

The loss of a species is called extinction.

What is the current endangerment status of the platypus?

The platypus, although found only in the country of Australia (which includes the island state of Tasmania) is not endangered. It is not listed on the IUCN Redlist (endangered species list). The Australian Government lists the platypus as "common but vulnerable". The International Union for Conservation of Nature lists the platypus as "least concern". Platypuses are now strictly protected by law. The platypus is vulnerable because of habitat loss through deforestation, dams and irrigation projects.

What habitat is a platypus?

A platypus is not a habitat. A platypus lives in a habitat. Platypuses live near freshwater creeks and rivers in heavily wooded and protected regions of eastern Australia. Their habitat is bushland as well as tropical, sub-tropical and temperate rainforests. They are found from the cooler sub-alpine areas in the south, such as Victoria and the Tasmanian highlands, north through New South Wales to tropical far north Queensland.

What is Difference between habitat loss habitat degradation and habitat fragmentation?

great loss, great degradation, and great fragmentation.

What gives the platypus an edge over another species particular habitat?

its australian