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Q: How is hail and wind updrafts related?
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What is the relationship between hail and tornadoes?

Hail is created by an updraft. Tornadoes need updrafts to develop. So the relationship is they both need updrafts. Hail can also be a warning sign of a tornado.

What weather event creates hail?

Hail is produced by thunderstorms with strong updrafts.

Which weather conditions form hail?

Hail is produced by thunderstorms with very strong updrafts.

Strong updrafts within a thunderhead can produce?


Strong updrafts within a storm cloud can produce?

hail is your answer

Is hail associated with the absence of updrafts and large thunderstorms?


Why are tornadoes and hail associated together most times?

Tornadoes are produced by thunderstorms called supercells, which have very strong rotating updrafts. Strong updrafts in a thunderstorm also support the formation of hail.

Would it be possible hail to fall from nimbostratus clouds?

No, hail requires strong updrafts to form. These do not occur in such shallow clouds as nimbostratus.

Why do supercells that produce tornadoes also often produce large hailstorms?

Hail forms in thunderstorms that have strong, turbulent updrafts. The stronger the storm, the larger the hail that can form. Supercells are the most powerful thunderstorms on Earth and have very strong updrafts, which can therefore produce large hail. The same strong updraft can contribute to the formation of a tornado.

How do strong updrafts contribute to the severity to a thunderstorm?

Strong updrafts keep water droplets and ice crystals in the cloud, so they grow in size too. But when they get to heavy they release them as hail snow.

What produces hail from a tornado?

The tornado itself is not the cause of the hail. Hail is a phenomenon that occurs with thunderstorms that have strong updrafts. The hail forms as the updraft holds ice pellets aloft as layer after layer of supercooled water freezes to their surfaces. Eventually they become too heavy and fall out of the storm. The strongest updrafts are found in thunderstorms called supercells, which due to their rotation, are also the primary producers of tornadoes.

What is the connotative meaning of hail?

Pellets of ice that form when updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops to high altitudes, where the water freezes and then falls back to Earth.