

How is hydrogen converted to energy?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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Hydrogen can be used as fuel (the same way as natural gas) for vehicles (cars, buses, ...etc) either in gaseous, liquid, or solid form (as metalhydride).

Hydrogen can be used for electricity generation using hydrogen fuel cells.

Hydrogen can be used (as natural gas) as heat source for kocking or heating purposes or industrial applications.

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Energy is relates when hydrogen is converted into helium in the sun's core.

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In the Sun, energy is converted through nuclear fusion. Specifically, hydrogen-1 is converted into helium-4. This releases a huge amount of energy. Of course, the energy was there from the moment the Sun formed - in the form of the fuel, hydrogen-1. The energy is simply converted to another form.

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In the core of a sun hydrogen nuclei are fused into helium atoms, liberating energy.

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About 0.7% of the mass - this is converted to energy, which powers the Sun.

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The hydrogen in the Sun has nuclear energy (a type of potential energy). When this is fused, it is converted to heat energy. This eventually gets radiated out as light energy.

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Nuclear fusion. Mainly, hydrogen-1 is converted to helium-4.

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Hydrogen-1, which is converted, through nuclear fusion, to helium-4.

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