

How is hypnosis used?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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its useful to control someones mind

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Q: How is hypnosis used?
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How is hypnosis used to address psychological symptoms?

With Embedded command In conversational Hypnosis.

Can hypnosis be used to make a man impotent?

While I have never heard of hypnosis being used to make a man impotent, I have heard of hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) being used to treat impotence and other sexual dysfunction conditions.

What does hypnosis do?

I believe that hypnosis is an extraordinarily powerful method of improving oneself. Nowdays self-hypnosis has been used and studied for a vast amount of medical/clinical reasons.

What is the evolution of hypnosis?

The history of hypnosis is as ancient as that of sorcery, magic, and medicine; indeed, hypnosis has been used as a method in all three. Its scientific history began in the latter part of the 18th century with Franz Mesmer, a German physician who used hypnosis in the treatment of patients in Vienna and Paris.

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When did freud use hypnosis?

In the beginning, he used hypnosis. But he quickly abandoned it in favor of free association and dream analysis.

Can hypnosis be used to recall where something might be?

Yes, it can be used that way.

How is hypnosis used in holistic dentistry?

When hypnosis is used, patients are able to relax their bodies and minds by concentrating on suggestions of relaxation . The patient is fully aware of what is happening during their treatment and no drugs are used. Many

What has hypnosis have to do with psycology?

it is known that hypnosis is currently still used on psycology because it is a known remedy so the psycologist can find out whappen if anything

Can hypnosis be used as a surgical anesthesia?

It has been known to happen.

Which hypnosis treatments are used to quit smoking?

Hypnosis treatments that are used to quit smoking include suggestive therapy. A relaxed state where the facts about smoking and encouragement to quit are suggested to the mind.

How is hypnosis helpful for DID patients?

Hypnosis may help patients recover repressed ideas and memories. Further, hypnosis can also be used to control problematic behaviors that many DID patients exhibit, such as self-mutilation, or eating disorders.