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In a covalent bond the electrons are shared between the elements to form an octet. However, in an ionic bond the metal gives up its electron in order to have a perfect octet and the nonmetal takes the electron in order to have a perfect octet.

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Q: How is interaction of atoms and their electrons different in a covalent bond than an ionic bond?
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A covalent bond involves sharing of?

A covalent bond results when electrons are shared between two or more atoms.

Occur when different atoms share their outermost electrons?

Sharing electrons results in a covalent bond.

What is the different between a covalent bond that is polar and one that is not?

In a polar covalent bond the atoms do not share the electrons equally, whereas in a nonpolar covalent bond the atoms do share the electrons equally.

What is an in and interaction that holds two atoms together?

This a chemical bond, ionic (electrostatic attraction) or covalent (sharing of electrons).

When atoms of different elements share electrons they form?

A covalent bond.

What is a covalent bond between two atoms of significally different electronegativies?

A covalent bond between two atoms of significantly different electronegativities will be a polar covalent bond because the atoms will not share the electrons equally.

What do two atoms do with their electrons when forming a covalent bond?

In covalent bonds, the atoms share their electrons.

What type of bond if formed when electrons are shared?

Covalent bonding. It can be two types - polar covalent or nonpolar covalent. In polar covalent bonding, atoms do not share electrons equally. In nonpolar covalent bonding, atoms share electrons equally.

A bond in which atoms share electrons is called a?

The type of bond in which two atoms share electrons is called a covalent bond.

What bond occurs between atoms that do not share electrons equally?

Atoms that do not easily lose electrons form covalent bonds with other atoms. That is, they share electrons.

What kind of chemical bond is formed when atoms share electrons?

When atoms share electrons, they form a chemical bond, or covalent bond.

What type of bond do atoms share electrons?

In covalent bonds, electrons are shared. In ionic bonds, electrons are transferred.